الاثنين، 12 نوفمبر 2018

شركة مكافحة حشرات بالدمام

Principles and methods of insect pest control
Insects are the only animals that wrestle man to lead on earth.
Man is an intruder on the insect environment (insects found 350 million years ago).
Man is the most creature that overturns the balance of nature: cultivation of crops, domestication of animals, storage of agricultural products, increasing population.
Initial considerations to be taken in control:
Defining the pest and knowing its life cycle to attack it in the weakest stages of its life: at the exit of male mealybugs, the stage of virgin in the soil, eggs in some worms, talk show in the first phase.

Preparing insects: The speed of their reproduction needs to be speedy in taking control decision.

Introduced pests: Knowing the input helps to obtain information to combat it, and the presence of vital enemies in the country of origin can be entered into the country of entry.

Crop Value: The higher the justification of the cost of control.

Consumer standards: desires no insect!

Scanning and early detection of pests before their number worsens: the presence of eggs, the use of traps.

Preventive control: Previous knowledge of existing pests somewhere, and a prevention program, prevention is better than cure.

Collective cooperation: Especially in pests that migrate from one area to another, mass spraying.

The emergence of modern methods and مكافحة حشرات materials in the control: pesticides more effective and cheaper, modern devices and machines, hormones, pheromones…

The use of the agricultural guide: listening to radio and television programs and asking the competent people.

 Causes of the lesion:

Growing a crop in large areas, or domesticating an animal in large numbers.
Introducing a pest into an area without its natural enemies.
Suitable weather conditions for the growth and reproduction of the pest, and inappropriate for the natural enemy.
The use of pesticides that kill the natural enemies of pests. Natural enemies are more sensitive to pesticides, small in size, the surface area of ​​her body is large in relation to its size, is highly mobile and more vulnerable to the pesticide.
Adopt wrong farming practices and practices that encourage insect growth and reproduction.
Destroy or kill vital natural communities that regulate insect numbers.
Note that all factors except the third are in the hands of man, so we provide insect control services in our company
Pest Control Services
Biological control:
Human reduction of insect pests by living organisms. Natural control is carried out without human intervention. Example: Control mealybugs with insects imported from Hawaii and Guam.


Harmless to human or environment.
Its effect is permanent.
Specializing (Infect target only).
There is no toxicity to the plant.
Do not show resistance to the vital enemy.

You need to search.
Especially expensive at first.
Slow effect.
A natural enemy may attack useful insects or important plant families.
Specializing !.
Objects or factors used:

Dream, spiders, frogs, birds, insects (wasps, flies, pedals), fish, usually introduced, multiplied and released.

Bacteria, microbial control:
Bacteria, viruses, rickettsia, fungi, protists, nematodes.

Benefits of microbial control:

Lack of harmful residues in nature.
Specializing in.
Not harmful to humans or animals and beneficial insects.
Can be produced commercially.
Low doses have great effect.

The weather should be suitable for use.
No trace left!
Specialized !,
High cost especially for fungicides.
Agricultural works and means:
Depends on the creation of conditions or environments harmful to insects.

Agricultural Cycle: For pests with long life cycle, limited families, and little mobility. Examples: wireworms, worms of some beetles, starving ticks.
Mixed farming: Whitefly prefers cucumbers over tomatoes.
Cultivate plants as a trap and then destroy them and their pest.
Tilling: Kills the insect, exposes it to the sun or vital enemies, or removes the plant host for pests.
Clean and burn the remaining parts of the plant at the end of the season, and burn or destroy weeds on the sides of irrigation canals to kill the phases of the inhabitants.
Timing: To avoid infection at a time when the lesion numbers are high, the date of transplantation, or early harvest before the infection progresses.
Management: cleaning of feed materials, isolation of infected animals, cleaning of insect breeding sites, burning of crop residues.
Use of insect resistant varieties and diseases.
Sources of resistance:

Not wanting to taste, color or topography of the host.
The presence of anti-insect substances in the plant,
Endurance (the plant repairs the damage and rebuilds the affected tissue).
Benefits of using resistant varieties:

Durable !, harmless to humans and their pets, low cost especially after the discovery or development of resistant varieties.


Refractive resistance, the cost of starting, not each insect resistant class, consumer unwillingness of the resistant class.

Mechanical and physical control:
 Hand-picking, traps (colorimetric, adhesive, electric, lightning, ultraviolet-light), mesh (sieve), flies touch !, adhesive tapes, ultrasonic flea control for dogs ?, infrared and x-ray, heat (immersion of some parts of the plant with hot water ), The cold to kill the insect or disrupt its growth.

Legal control (agricultural quarantine):
Enact laws to eliminate or prevent insect entry or control. Request a pest free certificate.

Difficulties and challenges:

Rapid transfer of agricultural products, lack of information on pests in the countries of origin, lack or lack of experts, trainees, references, tools and means of communication…, strength of validity for quarantine ..

Pest Control (Birth Control):
To reduce the number of insects by physical or chemical methods that cause infertility, or change of sexual behavior, such as: the use of sexual attractants (pheromones).

Genetic changes: such as exposing males to sterile rays such as gamma rays, m